By Carla Olivo SFCC Asst. Executive Director
With the recent stay-at-home orders in response to the Coronavirus pandemic, many business owners have come to realize the value of communication both with employees and their customers. Staying connected virtually was not something most business owners thought about in the days before the shutdown. Sure, you heard how social media can help your business stay top of mind with consumers but who has time to tweet or post when you have a business to run?
The South Fairfax Chamber of Commerce realizes that for many business owners, there are not enough hours in the day to run a business let alone manage social media accounts. With having a digital presence more important than ever, the South Fairfax Chamber is proud to offer members a new program aimed at helping businesses to up their virtual presence.
Premium Technology & Marketing Program
The Premium Technology & Marketing Program (PTMP) is a new marketing option to increase the online visibility of SFCC members. Through the PTMP, members can utilize a designated Virtual Member Assistant to begin using the internet to their advantage. This new program has several features to help level the playing field for competition on the internet.
A Virtual Member Assistant is assigned to each participating SFCC member business to assist with achieving better online visibility through an updated state-of-the-art website landing page. Participation in the PTMP offers guaranteed space on a primary community mobile app, a listing in the SFCC Business Catalog, and a custom texting keyword for advertisements.
Time is Money
No time to build a virtual audience for your business? Let your personal Virtual Member Assistant get you started on improving your virtual footprint in the community. Now more than ever, it is important to use the internet to your advantage for your business.
If there is another flare up of the virus next year, your business can be positioned to communicate seamlessly both with customers as well as employees. Start today by utilizing all the SFCC’s Premium Technology and Marketing Program has to offer to jump start your social media outreach. Get the conversation going today with your customers so if we ever end up behind closed doors again, you can continue the conversation with your valued clients.
The best news is the PTMP is included with all new SFCC Sustaining Memberships! Legacy members have the option of adding this state-of-the-art program to their current membership.
The Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020 will go down in the history books, no doubt. What remains to be seen is how we as a community and nation bounce back. Now is the time to write that chapter for your business. Take advantage of what the South Fairfax Chamber of Commerce can offer you as you make your way through these unchartered waters.
Click here
to learn more about adding the PTMP to your lifetime membership for a fraction of the cost to hire someone on your own.